Søren Ulrik Petersen (1961)

Designer Søren Ulrik Petersen started working with PP Møbler in 1998 - Just one year later, the result was the arm chair Suppose

Designer Søren Ulrik Petersen

Designer Søren Ulrik Petersen started working with PP Møbler in 1998. Just one year later, the result was the arm chair Suppose, which was launched at the Cabinetmakers Autumn Exhibition the same year. Since then, Søren Ulrik Petersen has been a regular visitor at the workshop in Allerød at least once a week.

Despite Søren Ulrik Petersens education as cabinetmaker back in 1985, it was not until his collaboration with PP Møbler that he ventured working with wood in his designs. The dialogue has since then been characterized by mutual respect where each party benefits from the others professionalism.

His humility and respect for the craft means that Søren Ulrik Petersen always uses the cabinetmaker’s knowledge when developing his designs. He never presents completely finished models, but rather an idea or concept, which is then finished in cooperation with the craftsmen at the workshop. Consequently, the process is dynamic, progressive, and mutually inspiring.

His training as a cabinetmaker and his education at the Danish School of Design has been decisive for this recurrently success as a prize-winning designer. His work is characterized by the confident hand of the craftsman, an eye for detail, and thorough knowledge of furniture construction principles. And, simultaneously, his design education steps into character. One senses a generous creative excess in his models. With its focus on functionality and simplicity, this excess points to his anchorage in the Danish design tradition. But also there is the more personal aspect which first and foremost signals a sense of humor and a certain degree of laid back attitude.



Easy Chairs
